Friday, October 1, 2010

Can You Use That Info?

There are a lot of rules about copyrighting that many people do not know about. These are rules that people actually do need to be aware of to keep them out of what could be a lot of trouble. A copyright is someone’s right to a property such as original work of art, music, or literature. People that are unaware of these laws could actually be illegally be using information from many different sources for a number of different reasons. There are rules and laws stating that you must give credit from wherever or whoever it is that you got your information from. On top of giving credit to whom you got the information from, a lot of things must be payed for to use it legally to accommodate the fair use law. These laws are very important to follow because all of this information that is being used belongs to someone else who put in a lot of work to gather the info. Anytime that you use this information without giving credit or without paying, you could actually be sued for illegally using their works. I would teach my students about this very important subject by finding a video or article showing either people that have been caught using copyrighted material and their consequences or just explaining the seriousness of this crime.
There are two similar internet offenses that people commit. They are called cyber safety and cyberbullying in which is there is not too much of a difference. Even though they are different, they both have to do with improper behavior over the internet through social networks or whatever it may be. Cyber safety is a term that has to do with children using online resources and potentially running into a predator. Cyberbullying is a term referring to bullying online. Cyberbullying is just another form of bullying. Just because it is online, people can still be hurt from things people do or say over the web. We must protect our children and ourselves from this by knowing and trusting the site that we are surfing on. Another way to protect ourselves is to know the people that we are communicating with over social networks and not talk to random people that may request you as a friend.
I feel like the activities this week were very helpful especially to people that are unaware of these laws and regulations. I felt like before reviewing some of this material I was pretty much educated on this subject because my teachers always explained to us the importance of plagiarism and making sure to cite our work. After taking the copyright quiz I saw that I did not know as much as I thought I did. I found out that there are a lot more rules to learn about this whole subject that we think we know so i encourage everybody to take a closer look at the rules so that you do not become an offender of this crime.
Works Cited
Newsome, C. (1997, November 17). A teacher's guide to fair use and copyright. Retrieved from

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