Saturday, December 4, 2010

Experimenting with technologies

     Gee has come up with several pinciples that go with game design which can actually also be used in learning. The 3 I feel can help us the most are as follows: The "Practice Principle" because I do feel that along with anything, practice make perfect. The more a student goes over his work or goes to tutoring then the more familiar a student will be with the material so it will be easier. 2nd is the "Committed Learning Principle" because if a student could be as committed to a classroom assignment as they are to video games, then they would have great grades. My 3rd is "Semiotic Domains Principle" because just like in designing video games, it also takes mastering something to an extent when it comes to learning.

     I'm not really sure how i would make a simulation game for the classroom. I think there a lot of subjects that that games could be made for but im just not sure how i would create a SIMS type of video game for a math class.maybe im just not fully understanding but the only one i see that could work is the simulation for biology shown in the textbook on page 50.

     I simulation games as much as the next guy but i just dont see them being efective in a classroom setting. I do feel like other subject oriented games could be useful in class such math, science, and english games to promote participation and practice of skills.

Work Cited

Jonassen, D, Howland, J, Marra, R, & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. Upper Sadle River, New Jersy: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall.

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