Friday, November 26, 2010

Meaningful Learning

     Technolgy based rubrics are very helpful documents for educators. Rubrics make it a lot easier for teachers
to grade students work. Aside from grading, it gives a way for teachers to give students a basis to go off of for
assignments. Not only do rubrics make things easier for teachers, but they also make things easier for students.
for students who have teachers that post rubrics, this gives students a foundation for students to go and look at to
basically tell them everything that the teacher wants to be done on the assignment.
     Clickers are like little remotes that students can use in the classroom to poll in or send answers to teachers
questions. These are easy and simple devices that can keep track of when a student answers a question and
whether they got it right or wrong. This is a way to keep children in a classroom interacting with the lesson so that
the studeents do not fall asleep or get board with what the teacher is teaching. Students like to be able to see if
they answered a question correctly or how well they did on a test, and that is a reason that this a good tool
because teachers can administer tests and quizzes where students can send in answers through this device. The
cool thing about this is that after the answers are submitted, teachers can print out the students answers and show
them how they did on the test right there.
     Inspirtation and kidspiration are brainstorming tools for grades k-12. More specifically, kidspiration is
for students k-5 and inspiration is for grades 6-12. These inpiration tools are for brainstorming and mapping ideas
that are thought of. The kidspiration program is geared more toward teaching about words, numbers, and
concepts. The inspiration program is for the older students so it helps develop skills in diagramming, outlining,
mapping, and presenting. This is a good tool for all ages to help develop planning skills.
     All three of these could easily be put into a teachers lesson plan. The rubrics actually make things a lot simpler
for students because it lets them know exactly the teacher wants on an assignment. teachers should give a rubric
with every assignment so students know what to do and do not have to guess. Clickers should be used in just
about all classrooms to keep students attentive and interacting with the class and teacher. Teachers could have the
students do one assignment that requires the use of inspiration mapping.
     Works cited
Schrock, K. (1995). Discovery education. Retrieved from
Inspiration. (2010). Retrieved from
Qwizdom. (2010). Retrieved from


  1. I like the idea that teachers can benefit from technology based rubrics but also that students can benefit as well. These rubrics provide a great deal of information about what is expected in each assignment. This is very useful in guiding the students on a correct path of what is the desired outcome of their work. I think these rubrics are great ideas and I like that a teacher can take ideas from many different available rubrics to create one that fits their needs.

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